Led by Junior Achievement Russiaand the US-Russia Center for Entrepreneurship, Russia has led Global Entrepreneurship Week countries in the overall number of activities in each of its first two years. Only time will tell if history repeats itself for GEW 2010... in the meantime, Nina Kuznetsova of JA Russia offers a glimpse below at a few highlights from the upcoming campaign.
Конференция «Обучение предпринимательству в системе высшей школы»
19 ноября
Всемирная неделя предпринимательства в Москве
Цель конференции предоставить преподавателям российских вузов площадку форума, где бы они могли почерпнуть у экспертов и своих коллег передовой опыт в сфере развития предпринимательского образования. На конференции предусмотрены выступления представителей ведущих вузов Москвы и регионов России, а также мастер-классы европейских экспертов по обучению предпринимательству. В дискуссиях также примут участие предприниматели, которые преподают «Предпринимательство» в вузах.
European Conference “Enterprise without Borders”
The European Teacher Conference welcomes over 200 education professionals, business advisors and JA YE staff from all over Europe. Enterprise without Borders (EwB) – an extension of Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise (JA-YE) Company Program is designed to teach secondary school and/or college students the value and importance of international trade and the practical skills necessary to function at an international market. The EwB Conference hosted by Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise (JA-YE) Norway is a unique opportunity to develop exciting cross border collaborations between schools across Europe. During the two days, the participants will get familiar with the EwB program, get to know how private businesses work internationally, build entrepreneurial partnerships teachers, business advisors and students’ JA-YE mini-corporations.
Launch of JA Russia’s GEW 2010 Mentoring Marathon at Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
JA Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation have drawn together the ‘Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ panel to offer young people the chance to hear from a passionate and knowledgeable range of speakers on the role of entrepreneurship in jumpstarting the economy. Government officials, policymakers and high-profile entrepreneurs will be present to lead interactive discussions. The sessions will be streamed live on the web.