
Cool (and Giant!) Desktop Flip Clock

050410_tf_flipclock1.jpgWith clocks on our phones and clocks on our computers and clocks on our Kindles, we don't really have an excuse to add a clock to our desktop. But when it's a little bit retro and a little bit steampunk, we might have to make an exception. This real-life super-sized flip clock is all too cool.

This battery-powered retro flip clock has definitely got a timeless aesthetic that will have our grandchildren fighting over it when we're gone. But the real beauty in this gadget is it's scale.
The "White Giant Wall Flip Clock" is white, wall-mountable and can definitely flip. Plus it's more than a foot wide. While that's not a Godzilla-sized time-reading monster, it's definitely going to have a visual impact. If you've got a teeny tiny desk, we might recommend you stay away.
But is a big-scale desk clock worth an $80 price tag? Well, that's all up to your bankroll. If you're interested, grab one from the Little Clock Shop.

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