

Russian animation: Laziness (+English subtitles)

Сказка про лень

Монолог «Лень -- двигатель прогресса», В. Зеленский

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Мультфильм для малышей. Зайчонку было лень доводить свои дела до конца, но однажды ему довелось узнать, чем это может закончиться...

Russian Animation - Маша больше не лентяйка (1978)

Laziness Kills!

This is the design of laziness the design of procrastination introduced me to communicate with the consequence out flows if you accept and allow yourself to procrastinate. So if you are believing yourself to be a lazy person in this world - know that you have accepted and allowed to influence the experience and expression of you as the moment of every breath as here through accepting and allowing yourself to procrastinate. If you have not watched the procrastination video interview, I suggest that you watch this one first before you watch myself as the Design of Laziness to get the entire perspective of what really happens when you accepted and allow yourself to procrastinate in moments of the experience of you within this world.
Laziness is a drug of the mind. A literal drug of the mind. See what happens is the following, interesting. As has been explained in the Procrastination interview, when you procrastinate you exist in a moment as a moment of the past connecting you of the now of the unified consciousness field, actually existing in the past instead of here as the breath as the moment clear, stable, constant - here. Now when procrastination becomes a habit you constantly, continually always procrastinate. What happens within the development of you as procrastination a that a relationship formation is design within and as your mind, alright, as a habit. Now this habit infuses within your human physical body which designs the feeling of laziness. Did you know that laziness is a feeling coming from the source construct design habit and behavior of procrastination. Therefore I said that laziness is a drug of the mind, the consequensual out flow of procrastination. Thus human beings that are lazy, when you are having a moment, when you are experiencing a moment as you, a being walks into your moment and says you fetch me your report card from your room please. Usually you sitting in front of the television and you say na, Ill do that later, I dont feel like standing up right now. You know how many beings have said those words, I dont feel like doing it right now, na Ill do it later, ah can I do it later I dont want to do it now. Those are the words of the drug of the mind as the manifestation of the being of laziness.

Lazy Daisy
Ode to laziness and the ultimate in lazy video creation. Song is Lazy Daisy by Spilverk þjóðanna.

Overcome Laziness With These Ten Easy Tips

10 Tips To Beat Procrastination, NOW!

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